Sovereign, SovereignThe Lord my God is Sovereign He can do whatever He wants to do He can do whatever He wants to doWhen He wants toGod can do whatever He wants to do, How He wants toBecause He’s sovereign, God is God
Who am I, to question His wisdom ( I am nothing)Who am I, to question God’s judgement ( I am nothing)Who am I, to be offended by His ways By what He allows to be. I must realize that my God is (sovereign)The Lord is (sovereign)Sovereign (The Lord my God is sovereign)He is sovereign
2 Samuel 7:18[ David’s Prayer ] Then King David went in and sat before the LORD, and he said: “Who am I, O Sovereign LORD, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far? NKJV
Who am I? That is the question we should all be asking ourselves today. Who are we that the LORD has brought us this far? We are nothing. Nothing without God, for it is He that gives us purpose in this life. If our purpose was complete, we would have gone on. We must realize and recognize that the good work in us will continue until the day of Christ. Daryl Coley did an awesome job in this song. He expresses with great lyricism that God’s wisdom, judgement, way and what he allows to be is all based on His sovereignty. Meaning God has supreme, preeminent, indisputable power. In Him we live, in Him we move, and in Him we have our being. Next time you get ready to ask yourself the question “who am I” ask one better. Ask “whose am I”. You may get a little more perspective for the former question if you ask the latter first.