Schedule Your Counseling Session…
with sharNAY by Grace
What to Expect
No matter how you got here, you considered counseling for something happening or not happening in your life or relationships. We are committed to:
- No judgment
- No side taking
- No rehashing
- No bossing or bullying
- Empathy
- Compassion
- Solutions
Statement of Faith
- God is all. God created everything that was, Is, and will be. God’s love for you is unending, no matter your life circumstances in the past, present, or future.
- Jesus is the Son of God. He is our model for God’s love and grace. Jesus volunteered to die on the cross for our sins and be brought back to life so we could be reconciled back to God. When we believe in Jesus and who He says he is, he opens His arms to us just how we are.
- The Holy Spirit lives in each of us, who choose Jesus. The Holy Spirit gives us access to our gifts, treasures, calling, understanding, helping us be more like Jesus.
- The Bible is the Word of God. It is a true, reliable and living word for God’s children.
***This statement does not exhaust or include every extent of our faith. However, it is from this perspective counseling